Living The Gospel Preaching the Gospel

Update on Ashley Day 97

It’s day 97 and we’re just 2 weeks from going home! Over the past week Ashley has really struggled with fatigue and a little more weakness. The doctors thought she may have a UTI based on some of the symptoms however, the test results came back negative. At this point we’re narrowing it down, perhaps, to a couple changes in medication made around the middle of last week. She’s still showing progress but it’s been a bit less than hoped over the last week.

Her rest has been inconsistent. She’ll sleep well for a couple of nights and then she’ll have a rough night where she doesn’t sleep much at all. I believe her rest will get far better when she can be home in her own bed.

We’ve begun some of the initial planning for our return home. We’re scheduling some family Care training as well as narrowing down discharge plans and goals. 

Returning home will be amazing and such a huge help as we continue to walk out Ashley healing. And make no mistake, that’s exactly what we’re doing. We’re walking out HER HEALING. The Healing the God paid for through Jesus Christ, the healing that belongs to her because Ashley is a daughter for the King and an heir according to His promises (Gal 3:26-29). With that being said, I will admit, as we make plans to return home it may be harder than I had anticipated. I had visions of us just walking through the door and living life with little to no assistance. Even though I know we’ll get to that point, the timing isn’t what I was hoping for. God is at work in our situation. That is what I put my faith and trust in. It may be hard but I know that in the end… God’s promises prevail.

In other news… we had our first outing today. Even though Ashley was a bit tired we took a little trip to Kohl’s. It was her first outing with her therapy team. Before a patient is discharged they will do a couple of outings to see how they handle public settings and common tasks like shopping. Ashley did well. Plus, we picked up a few last minute items for Logan. 🙂 

Prayer Focus moving forward:

  • Consistent sleep each night
  • Strengthened muscles
  • re-connections in the brain to be able to initiate (start, move) tasks

Thank you so much for your continued prayer and support. We love you all.

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