Living The Gospel Preaching the Gospel

Special Note from Pastor

At this moment, my heart is overflowing with thankfulness to our God for the abundant blessings that He has bestowed on Pam and me. We are so grateful to our Church family and to our friends out-side of the church who made our retire-ment dinner such a success.

A special thanks to Sandy Mack who oversaw the whole operation, and thanks to ALL who worked so hard to make this event a success. And thank you so much for the wonderful financial gift that you gave us. This was an evening we will never forget.

For any of you who weren’t here or were here, but want to see it again, you can see the video that Matt put together on Living Word’s Face-book page. It was so funny!  Then there was the video of the song our daughters wrote and sang. It was so touching, but then we were blown away when the grandkids sang the words that David wrote. What an incredible blessing!  As I look back over these last 34 years of ministry, I’m reminded of how blessed I have been. After God, it starts with my wife, who always helped me & encouraged me when times got tough. If she hadn’t helped me as secretary, associate pastor, worship leader, and children’s worker, I don’t think we could have made it.  Our kids made a number sacrifices during those early years, yet never complained. They witnessed and brought others to the Lord and to our church.  

he memories and stories from the Ogden gym are abundant. We were a hardy and hungry bunch of people in those early days. Inconven-ience meant nothing. People showed up for church whether the gym was hot & humid or freezing cold. God was building His church and we were all glad to be a part of it. One of those hungry people was Make Mack. How little did I realize then how powerfully God would use him to work alongside Pam & me.  I believe as Pastor Hagin said on the Sunday following the banquet, “The best is yet to come.” Yes, and as Pastor Hagin said, there will be changes. But the message won’t change! I assure you that under Scott’s teaching, you will be well fed.

Personally, I don’t believe one should ever retire from ministry, but I do think there comes a time when it’s OK to step down as the Senior Pas-tor of a church. For me, that time has come.  I got through the retirement celebration with my emotions pretty well intact. But I’ve got one more potentially emotional service to get through. That service will take place on Sunday, December 28, when I officially “pass the baton” to Scott.  

Thank you again for the love you have shown Pam & me over the years. It has been a wonderful journey.

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