Living The Gospel Preaching the Gospel

Make the Important Things Important to You

I asked a roomful of young people once what was more important: TV or the Bible. All of them, of course, said the Bible was more important.

Then I asked some questions about certain people in the Bible. Things like, “Who was the first king of Israel? Who was the king who threw Daniel into the Lion’s den? Who was the first martyr recorded in the New Testament?” Each time, a few voices would answer correctly, if hesitantly. Then I asked, “Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?” and a resounding, confident chorus responded, “SpongeBob SquarePants!”

My point is not that these kids didn’t love God, or respect the Word of God. They KNEW the Bible was more important. The problem was, they didn’t TREAT it like it was more important. It wasn’t more important to THEM. The reason they knew SpongeBob better than the Bible had nothing to do with their doctrine, theology, or explicit values, and everything to do with the time they spent watching TV vs time they spent reading the Bible.

You’ve heard it before; we always make time for the things that are important to us. Let me tweak that a bit, and challenge you to make time for things that are important, period. Let’s make the important things important to us.

We are entering a busy season. As we roll into November, we are looking at lots of activities at school, at jobs, in the community, and with family, especially surrounding the holidays. And things really won’t slow down until after January 1.

It’s a busy time for the church, too! Pay attention to announcements, read your bulletin, check out the calendar on the website, and commit to being a part of what we’re doing as often as you can. We need you. You need each other. You know church is important, so prioritize it, and make time for it.

“If you’re too busy for church, you’re too busy.” Heard that before? It’s true. When we reach the point where “something’s gotta give,” too often it is the church that takes a back seat. A dangerous trend, especially in light of Hebrews 10:24-25:

“And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much more as you see the Day approaching.”

Let’s make it a great season of fellowship, corporate worship, and feasting on the word! I love you guys, and always look forward to seeing you at CHURCH!


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