Living The Gospel Preaching the Gospel

LIFE and HEALTH are in the Word of God!

Recently Ashley and I have been trying to exercise and work out a little more.  We want to be healthy and (at the time of this writing) we have a 5K we’re “training” for.  Few things feel more rewarding than getting done with a good workout, especially if you’ve pushed yourself and are exhausted afterwards.  When we get done with a workout I feel very good about myself.  I mean, I’ve just spent 30 to 45 minutes pushing my body and now I feel like I’m stronger and healthier than when I first started.  However, I’ve noticed something else when I go through these workout kicks.  I’ve noticed that I begin to get very confident in myself.   I mean, after 30 minutes of intense exercise I can take on the world right?  Now, although that may not be the case, I may not be able to take on a gang of bad guys like your average super hero but I “feel” like I could. 

That’s how I feel when I’ve had a good time of study in God’s Word.  I feel like I can take on the world.  I mean, I just spent time in God’s word and now I feel spiritually stronger and healthier than when I first started.  When I make that part of my spiritual routine each day, I’m exercising my spirit, my faith, my relationship with God.  I ask God each morning to give me wisdom and insight into His Word, to help me understand it and apply it to my life and the lives of my family. 

Proverbs 4:20-22 says “My child, pay attention to what I say.   Listen carefully to my words.  Don’t lose sight of them.  Let them penetrate deep into your heart, for they bring life to those who find them, and healing to their whole body.”

LIFE and HEALTH are in the Word of God!  When I work out I get stronger, healthier and gain confidence in myself physically. When I “work out” in the Word of God each day, I gain so much more.  I gain spiritual strength and wisdom and I build my faith.  As we read through the Word of God together as a church family, make sure to commit to it.  Take notes, write down questions and allow God to do a work in your spirit during that time of reading/meditating on His Word.

If you want physical change in your life, you have to do the work.  If you want spiritual maturity in your life, YOU HAVE TO BE IN THE WORD.  No pain, no gain!

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