Living The Gospel Preaching the Gospel

God Is Up To Something Good

Anticipation. That’s the word I would use to describe the atmosphere at LWFC these days. Many of us have been around long enough to have heard ministers of one stripe or another proclaim that God is getting ready to do something great; that good changes are coming, etc. And there’s not a thing wrong with that. But the sense of anticipation I keep bumping into is more of a “grass roots” type of thing. That is, I am hearing from you, the congregation, that there is an excitement, and expectation of good things to come. 

And I couldn’t agree more. Good things ARE coming! But I hope you understand that it’s not as if God were standing idly by for a while, until He recently decided to do something good for us. God is always about doing good for us; that’s His nature. He desires to strengthen us, to energize us, for the work of His kingdom. It is indeed exciting when, for whatever reason, in response to whatever trigger, we corporately recognize God’s activity and plans concerning us.

If there is one danger in this sense of anticipation, it is that the idea that “God is up to something good” is a little vague. Our anticipation is not attached to something concrete, and without something specific to look forward to, we find ourselves just. … waiting.

But waiting is good, if we’re doing it right. Isaiah 40:31 says “But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.”

That word “wait” is best understood as “serve; attend to”; think of someone who “waits” tables, and serves customers. It is as we attend to the things of God that we will be strengthened and energized for what He’s calling us to do.

To that end, I want to encourage you to join us in two important new enterprises here at LWFC. Starting April 1, we will be reading through the Bible. You will find a daily reading plan for every month beginning in this issue of the Beacon. Also starting in April, we’d like you to join us in fasting the first Monday of each month. By now you’ve heard details about this, and we’ll continue to explore this in months to come.

These endeavors are two ways we can be “actively waiting” on the Lord, and are also very specific ways for us to be in unity. Let’s remain unified in our anticipation; God is up to something GOOD!

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