Lord of the Harvest

I know I remark on the weather perhaps too often in this space, but I gotta tell you, it seems weird writing a column for the October newsletter when it’s going to be over 90 degrees today. And I know there’s no rule that what I share here needs to be seasonal or in any […]

Don’t Wish Your Life Away

I just got back from vacation. It was a good vaca-tion, with a nice mix of doing nothing (swimming, reading by the pool), and doing fun stuff with the kids (rides, shows, etc.). Now I’m back at work. School year has started. September is a busy month in a lot of ways. Even though I […]

VBS Thanks!

It’s August, and a lot is happening this month. Church picnic, community parade (featuring a float by LWFC), back to school, a solar eclipse, and more! But as I write this, we have just finished VBS, and my heart is full of gratitude to God and to you, my church family. I know you heard […]

A Word From Pastor Scott

We are halfway through our “Year of Prayer” and I have been delighted with your response to and participation in this. Your encouraging words have been a blessing to me, because that lets me know the prayers are resonating with you, but also because it lets me know you’re reading them! I want to take […]

The Impact of Summer on the Church

Summer is right around the corner! I have mixed feelings about summer; most pastors do. I’m not talking about the weather; most of you know how I feel about that. I’m talking about summer vacation. Most of us are not stu-dents or teachers, and that means life goes on as normal, but most people take […]