What Can Accomplish When We Maintain a Spirit of Cooperation

Another VBS is in the books! I kid you not, I look forward to VBS more eagerly every year. It is such a joy to see and hear the excitement of the children,  especially during the opening and closing programs, when they are all together in the same room! And to hear them responding with […]

Off and running with a very busy summer

We are off and running with a very busy summer! Kids are at camp as I write this, then we celebrate Independence Day, then there is a youth missions trip, then Neal and Danette Childs will be here, then VBS, and there are Royal Ranger activities and camps mixed in, and before you know it, […]

School’s out! Free and Easy Days

School’s out! I can remember (and it doesn’t SEEM that long ago) when that meant free and easy days, staying up later at night, sleeping a little later in the morning, long days playing with friends, and even having such an abundance of time that boredom was an issue. That’s inconceivable to me now; I […]

Come to Church, Get Strengthened

We are heading into the “crazy days of summer.” Kind of hard to believe, with the cool temperatures we are still experiencing, but May is almost here, meaning holidays, graduations, summer vacations, and family vacations. It also means yard work, gardening (woo-hoo!) and the opportunity to do things the cold weather prevents or discourages us from […]

A Successful Living Faith Crusade

As I write this, it is Wednesday morning, the day after the last meeting of the Living Faith Crusade here at Living Word, and my heart is full. Every meeting, morning and evening, was just superb, and the Hagins and their team were a blessing in every respect. We had the privilege of hearing Pastor […]