Are You Exposed to Spiritual Danger?

Some of our Royal Rangers just got back from winter camp, and they got their money’s worth, so to speak. It was COLD! Some of them, including our own Jeremy Birkey, had to spend a night outdoors in an improvised shelter. It brought back memories of when I had to do that at Winter Operations […]

A Little Personal Examination

I have written before, in this space, in January, about the value of see-ing the beginning of a year as an opportunity for a fresh start. There is no specific Biblical basis for “New Year’s resolutions”, but there is certainly plenty that is Biblical about resolving to do better; resolving to be trans-formed, even in […]

A Matter of Perspective

I can hardly believe it is almost December! We had an amazingly stable string of days and weeks with high temperatures in the 50s, which was perfect fall weather, but it dropped suddenly from 87° one day to the 50s the next, which made it seem awfully cold. However, that same 50° will seem mighty […]

A Perfect Example of a False Dichotomy

I recently heard a minister say something like this: “If you can’t accept the reality that God has told every lightning bolt where to strike, the only alternative is to believe that God has no control over nature.” This was his opening line of a message about God and natural disasters, and his position, clearly, […]

Pray, Be Here, Give

I write this column the day after praying for the children’s workers for the new quarter, honoring Margaret Goodwin for 20 years of service as coordinator of funeral meals, and praying for David Gulliford and blessing him with an offering as he heads off for Rhema. My heart is full. It is sad to see […]