Let Freedom Ring!

Halfway through 2019 already! This has been a busy, busy year and we are in a very busy season. Think about the language we sometimes use to describe our busyness: we talk of being “tied up”, unable to “get free”, of being “chained to our desks”. In many ways, we describe our lives as prisons. […]

On To Victory!

I’ve been reading Psalm 118. It’s worth a sermon or two in the future, but something jumped out at me today that I want to share. The Psalm – and we don’t know who wrote it – begins with thanksgiving to God for overcoming enemies that had surrounded him to a distressing degree. Three times, […]

Learning to Learn

It’s almost May, and that means gardening, mowing, spring cleaning, cooking out, and a host of other activities related to the warm weather. Because of the very wet recent weather, it also means farmers are getting a late start planting, May means Mother’s Day and Memorial Day, and May means graduation. I may have shared […]

Spring Is In The Air

We are still a little ways from April as I write this, on the second full day of spring. Looks and feels like spring, too; sun is shining through the windows, and it’s warm enough to stand on the porch for a few minutes with my coffee. I joke a lot about how much I […]

Connecting Through Service

I recently shared with the congregation about my time as a member of a church in Tulsa. The point I was making was that while I loved the church, attended the church faithfully, and supported the church financially, I didn’t feel truly connected to the church until I started serving. I served in the ex-alted […]