Its December Already!

Once again I find it hard to believe it is December already. The next newsletter I write will be for the January 2020 Beacon. 2020!! When I hear or read things that reference dates in the 1990s, it still strikes me as only a few years ago. Then when I pause to put it in […]

Make the Important Things Important to You

I asked a roomful of young people once what was more important: TV or the Bible. All of them, of course, said the Bible was more important. Then I asked some questions about certain people in the Bible. Things like, “Who was the first king of Israel? Who was the king who threw Daniel into […]

Appropriating the Promises for our Lives

When I get ready to write this column every month, I usually do a search through my documents to see if I have recently written something season specific or something like that in an effort to avoid repeating myself. So I typed in “October”, and came across this from last year and thought, “you know […]

Can You Imagine?

When you read the Gospels, do you ever try to imagine yourself in the scene, listening to Jesus and the others speak, watching mannerisms and so forth? The Word of God is powerful, and just reading it, meditating on it, and applying it, is life changing. But something is lost in translation. What I mean […]

The “Normal” Life

Summer, the season, still rages on, but summer vacation is coming swiftly to an end. Soon, school will start up and families will fall into a familiar routine, while others, whose children may just be reaching school age, adjust to a new routine. We coordinate schedules, consult calendars, and do what we can to adopt […]