Is This the Home Stretch or are We Just Getting Started?

As we head into the home stretch of 2020, I am thinking about all the memes, comments, and general observations about how people can hardly wait until this year is OVER.  As if, by turning the page of a calendar, we can put all the madness behind us once and for all. CoViD-19 will disappear. […]

Exciting Changes on the Horizon

As you will probably have heard by now, we are moving forward with a significant change in our church. Many years ago, we had a robust small groups ministry. Let me clarify right off the bat that our current small groups are healthy and a blessing; it’s just that so few people who are a […]

Sometimes, faith is fighting, Sometimes, faith is thanksgiving

This is the time of year many people look forward to as a return to “normal”. The beginning of the school year usually means a return to more settled routines, less travel, and, from a church perspective, better attendance. This year, of course, the confusion surrounding exactly how to get “back to school” has further […]

Stay the Course

As we move into August, we find ourselves, as a nation, still in the throes of a pandemic. There are certainly other issues: racial tension continues, protests have turned into literal mob rule, and of course there is an up-coming presidential election. But I want to limit this column to looking at the pandemic as […]

We All Have an Expectation of How Things SHOULD Be

They say summer begins this month. Officially, that is. It seems that every year for the last several years, I see and hear people complaining about how “we went straight from winter to summer with no spring.” It’s easy to think like that on spring days when it’s in the 40s, and when we suddenly […]