Joy to the world, The Lord is come!

Joy to the world! The Lord is come; Let Earth receive her king; Let every heart prepare Him room, and heaven and nature sing! I’m writing this column two days before Thanksgiving, but by the time you read it, Christmas music will be playing in every store and on many radio stations either non-stop or […]

How’s Everything In Your World?

What an absolutely perfect day to write this column! The sun is shining, but it’s barely 60 degrees out. Little bit warm for late October, but it is at last acting like fall is here. Also, it’s the day after pastor appreciation day, and I still have a smile on my face from reading these […]

Everything Is Novel to a Little Child

Someone HMU. . . . . . BRD. TXT ME. These are actual Facebook statuses I have read, and they are simple expressions of boredom. Someone with access to more entertainment and information literally at his or her fingertips than has been available for all of human history is using a computer or smartphone to […]

What an exciting Summer!

What an exciting Summer! Summer can be a tough season for pastors and churches because vacations and travels and the like can translate to fewer people present on Sundays. But great things have been happening at LWFC, and I want to celebrate that. Several of our youth attended Summer Scream, and were blessed as usual. […]

When the Heat is on, Get Growing

I write this on the morning of the second day of VBS. VBS is what I’d LIKE to write about for this newsletter, since by the time you read it, VBS 2016 will be in the books, but publishing deadlines mean I must put that off until next month, by which time you will have […]