A Psalm of Life

As I have mentioned from the pulpit a few times, although I do enjoy reading, I’m not articularly into poetry. I don’t dislike it, you understand; there’s just not a lot of it that I’ve encountered that immediately grabs me. There are certainly exceptions, though, and I’m going to share one of my all-time favorites […]

Resurrection Sunday 2017

Here it comes. Two more weeks. I’m talking about Resurrection Sunday, or Easter as it is commonly called. Before I go any further, please do not take me to task for my use of the word “Easter.” I am well aware of the arguments attempting to link it to pagan worship, but when I say […]

A Heart of Worship

I think this is the first time I have “farmed out” my newsletter article in at least two years. Zach Bensyl asked me not long ago if he could submit something for the Beacon and of course I said yes. Here it is, and it is excellent: “O Lord, open my lips, and my mouth […]

It’s Just the Beginning

Well, folks, as winters go, this one has been a bust so far. Three or four “teaser” snows, lots of gray, cloudy, rainy weather, and a bit of ice; not good weather for people who love winter, and except for one beautiful Saturday a couple of weeks ago, not good weather for people who hate […]

Years Are Simply How We Measure the Passage of Time

It is likely that by the time you read this, you will have heard at least some of it from the pulpit, but it’s on my mind, so I’m writing about it now. It’s time to say farewell to 2016, and welcome 2017. It sure seems, though, that an awful lot of people feel more […]