Update on Ashley Crider Day 71

Good Morning, our rehab schedule has been crazy so it has been hard to keep up. There is so much to update I’m not sure where to start. Yesterday we wrapped up day 70…. a lot has happened over the past week. On July 10th, Ashley went to the parallel bars and began to take […]

Update on Ashley Crider Day 62

Good Morning! Today we start day 62…. we wrapped up our 2nd month this weekend and Ashley is making great progress. We don’t have a discharge date yet, however, we’re getting closer and closer to setting one.  We’re working on core control and balance so we can move toward standing and stepping. Not sure when […]

Ashley Crider Update June 29th 2019

Good afternoon, sorry for the long delay in sending out an update. Our rehab schedule has been pretty hectic. By the time we get done for the day, it’s time for me to head home to change and spend time with the kids. 🙂 Ashley is doing great! She’s making excellent progress and continues to […]

Update on Ashley Crider June 17th

Good Evening! It’s been a few days since our last update. Our inpatient rehabilitation has been hectic and exciting. Ashley is making great progress. You stood with us in prayer last week for a great rehab team and those prayers have been fruitful. Ashley’s rehab team has been amazing. The schedule has been hectic and […]

Update on Ashley June 10th

Good Afternoon, just a quick update today. Ashley has been doing very well. All vitals have been excellent and her sodium is looking good. They will continue to monitor these but her body is regulating more and more which is awesome.  Today is the day we head down to inpatient rehab!! It won’t be until […]