Ashley Crider Update Day 111

Today is the day! Today is discharge day. As I write this we’re wrapping up our last breakfast here at the hospital. It has been a very busy couple of weeks. We’ve had home evaluations, school/sports starting for the kids, and a work day at the house to begin getting ready to return home. During […]

Update on Ashley Day 97

It’s day 97 and we’re just 2 weeks from going home! Over the past week Ashley has really struggled with fatigue and a little more weakness. The doctors thought she may have a UTI based on some of the symptoms however, the test results came back negative. At this point we’re narrowing it down, perhaps, […]

Update on Ashley Crider Day 84

Good Afternoon! I’m not quite sure where to start. First, Ashley is doing remarkably well and I may be biased but I’m pretty sure she is the cutest and most popular patient at Carle Hospital. There hasn’t been an official vote yet but… 😉 Ashley’s physical progress is going great, keeping all the therapists and […]

Mike & Deena Zellers

On Wednesday, July 17th, Mike and Deena Zellers (grandson of Dick & Kay Zellers) lost their newborn son, Zaelyn Joseph. Below are a few details of what they’ve gone through. Please keep Mike & Deena as well as the rest of the family in your prayers. On 06/26/19, Zaelyn Joseph Zellers entered the world at […]

Update on Ashley Day 78

Good Morning! Day 78 is well under way and Ashley continues to make good progress. Our discharge goal is still August 27th if not sooner. Last week they continued to walk Ashley in the podium walker and she went nearly 700′ to 1000′ each day they did it. A couple of days they took a […]