Living The Gospel Preaching the Gospel

An Attitude of Gratitude

“If the only prayer you pray in your whole life is ‘Thank You’, that would suffice.” (Miester Eckhart)

Do you have an attitude of gratitude? If we stop to think more, we would stop to thank more, and realize we all have much to be thankful for.

November always begins a special season of holidays and celebrations (Veterans Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas) that cause me to reflect how blessed we are as a people. Think about it (as election day approaches; please vote) how so many fought and died so we could live in a free society. So many sacrifices made by others so we can have the opportunities of a better life.

Think of the sacrifice of our Savior Jesus Christ who gave His life so we could have life and life more abundantly here and now, and eternal life in heaven. Gratitude is such an important and vital part of life. Cicero said, “ A thankful heart is not only the greatest virtue, but the parent of all other virtues.” The degree that you are thankful is a sure index of your spiritual health. Max Lucado wrote, “The devil doesn’t have to steal anything from you, all he has to do is make you take it for granted.” 

I am so grateful to the Lord and His Word and knowing that He will never leave me or forsake me. For me, I am thankful for a great wife and family, for my church family, a church where the pastors preach the truth; for loved ones and friends who have gone on to be with the Lord (most recently Linda Menges) and that I will see them again. I could go on and on.

Look around; there are so many things to be grateful for. It has been said if you can’t be thankful for what you have, be thankful for what you have escaped. Henry Ward Beecher said, “The unthankful discover no mercies, but the thankful heart will find in every hour, some heavenly blessings.” The more you complain, the less you’ll obtain. Remember in Psalms 78 how God’s people were unthankful to Him and complained and tempted Him and limited Him.

Francis Schaeffer said, “The beginning of men’s rebellion against God was, and is, the lack of a thankful heart.” The seeds of discouragement will not grow in a thankful heart.

I believe an attitude of gratitude opens the door to blessings, but is also is a command. In I Thessalonians 5:18, Paul says, “In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.”

Don’t find yourself at the end of your life saying, “What a wonderful life I’ve had! I only wish I had appreciated it more.” Let us all have the attitude of George Hubert who said, “Thou O Lord have given so much to me, give me one more thing— A Grateful Heart.

Let us all make thanksgiving a way of life.

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