Living The Gospel Preaching the Gospel

A Successful Living Faith Crusade

As I write this, it is Wednesday morning, the day after the last meeting of the Living Faith Crusade here at Living Word, and my heart is full. Every meeting, morning and evening, was just superb, and the Hagins and their team were a blessing in every respect. We had the privilege of hearing Pastor and Mrs. Hagin really share from their hearts about their lives, their ministry, prayer, healing, and faith. I have to say, for me personally, the meeting with the biggest impact was Monday night, as Pastor Hagin shared his story, giving example after concrete example of how the message of the word of faith has worked in his life and ministry, encouraging and challenging us to speak to our mountains and apply this life-changing truth.

We had GREAT times of praise and worship, and it was good to see so many old friends join us, especially for the evening meetings. Kind of fired me up to see a full house! I heard so many comment on what out-standing meetings these were, and I could not agree more.

The other thing I heard from many, many guests was how grateful they were to us, as a church, for hosting this event. I heard compliment after compliment on how nice everything looked, how welcome they felt, and in general how great the hospitality was. The men and women on the praise team were constantly talking about how much they were enjoying their stay here, and the Hagins thanked us again and again for making their time here so pleasant. All those compliments, all those thanks, be-long to you, the people of Living Word Family Church.

THAT is why my heart is full as I write this. There was an incredible amount of work that had to be done in preparation for this crusade, and tons of work to be done during it, and you did it all. The cleaning, the dessert prep, serving the alumni meal, greeting, ushering, child care, parking lot duty, security, and nightly and daily cleanup. We had a number of people (you know who you are) who were here for many hours a day in preparation for, during, and after the meetings; many who stayed after church for hours of setup, many who stayed Tuesday night for the load out. I simply cannot thank you enough.

And it all went so SMOOTHLY! I’m very, very honored to pastor this great congregation. The comment I heard more than any other from the Rhema team, and my favorite comment by far was, “your people are awe-some” or some variant thereof. They’re right, you know. You are amazing. All glory be to God always, but thank you, LWFC, for being such a great church and being such a blessing to so many people. You have a part in every life that is saved, changed, healed, and blessed by Rhema, and you’d better believe that they know that, I know that, and God notices.

In Matthew 10:42, Jesus says “And whoever gives one of these little ones only a cup of cold water in the name of a disciple, assuredly, I say to you, he shall by no means lose his reward.”

You did more than offer them water; you laid a feast of hospitality before the Hagins, the Rhema team, and every person who attended. Great job, LWFC! Thank you again and blessings be upon you. I’m so happy to be, as always . . . with You in Christ,

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