Living The Gospel Preaching the Gospel

Years Are Simply How We Measure the Passage of Time

It is likely that by the time you read this, you will have heard at least some of it from the pulpit, but it’s on my mind, so I’m writing about it now.

It’s time to say farewell to 2016, and welcome 2017. It sure seems, though, that an awful lot of people feel more like saying “good riddance!” to 2016, and to 2017, “thank God you’re here!”. Not everybody feels that way, of course, and of course even those who had a bad year can look back and see some bright spots (YAY CUBS!). But 2016 was a year full of high-profile celebrity deaths, some horrible terror attacks, and an uncommonly divisive election cycle. Add to these shared experiences the usual disappointments and hardships, and it’s understandable that a great number of people are glad to see the end of this year.

But that’s not really how life works, is it? Circumstances, events, lives, are not governed by the stars or the position of the earth in its journey around the sun. Years don’t actually wear out or run out of steam; they are simply how we measure the passage of time. January 1, 2017, strictly speaking, is no more fresh and full of newness and vigor than December 31, 2016.

But sometimes we crave change, at least when that change offers hope of a new start, a reset, a do-over. And that’s one of the things I love about holidays and calendars; they offer us milestones and similar markers. They give us concrete goals. They give us a picture of what God Himself has given us. Every December 25, we are given the opportunity to focus on the tremendous reality of the incarnation. The truth and impact of the incarnation is no less real the other 364 days of the year, but it is a blessing to have a day, a season set aside to remember and celebrate!

Every January 1st, we get the opportunity to welcome a new year. Sure, in astronomical terms, it’s just another day. But we can use it as an opportunity to refocus, adjust, and resolve to do better, be better, have better. That’s what I want to encourage you in. There is no sense in just sitting back, crossing your fingers, and hoping 2017 is better. Certainly some things are beyond your control. Your favorite musician or actor may die. The candidate you supported may become embroiled in scandal. Sin will continue to abound. But you, YOU are a child of the KING! There are some things you can do to MAKE this a better year.

We will be talking about some specifics as we get into the fast, which will begin January 8th. But for now, please remember that we change the world first by making changes in our little corner of it, and God has given us everything we need to do that. So start this year by remembering who you are in Christ, and the power He has given you to fulfill the mission He has given us. We have His word, and we have His Spirit. Let us speak His word and walk in the Spirit, and expect good things at LWFC in 2017!

With you in Christ,



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