Living The Gospel Preaching the Gospel

When the Heat is on, Get Growing

I write this on the morning of the second day of VBS. VBS is what I’d LIKE to write about for this newsletter, since by the time you read it, VBS 2016 will be in the books, but publishing deadlines mean I must put that off until next month, by which time you will have heard all about it anyway. All I can say now is that we are off to a WONDERFUL start! Meanwhile…

It’s hot. It’s REALLY hot. Hot and humid. Gross. In other words, it’s a typical central Illinois summer. Most of you know how I feel about that. Putting it mildly, I prefer cooler weather. In fact, I prefer cold weather to hot weather. But I’m not going to lie; I don’t want to live at the north pole or anything like that. Even though for the most part I enjoy winter more than I enjoy summer, I find myself looking forward to warmer tem-peratures as winter moves along. That is one of the nicest things about where we live: four seasons.

I can endure the stifling heat because I know that it’s not going to last forever. Fall is coming, then glorious winter. Meanwhile, guess what? The rains and the humid heat have caused my garden to grow like crazy! Last year, a very mild summer, saw me picking my first tomatoes in late August and September, and my hot peppers in October. This year we have eaten abundantly from our (and some of your) gardens for weeks already, and we’ve only just begun!

It is not something we relish or pray for, but it is undeniably true that we grow fastest in seasons when the heat is on. This is true of individuals, and has always been true of Christianity as a whole. Our characters are forged and our faith is strengthened when they are tried, which is exact-ly why we are commanded to “count it all joy” when the trials come (James 1:2).

But just as this summer is turning out to be a terrific growing time, it is just a season. This is where the illustration breaks down. The growth will slow, the plants will die, the time of harvest will be over, and the plants in the ground will go into a dormant state. The hard times we endure will end as well. This is a season, and when this season has passed, we will be able to enjoy the times of rest much, much more be-cause of the growth we experience in the heat of trials.

The important point – at least the point I’m driving at here – is that we must not lose hope, knowing that seasons do change! I might not be able to predict how much snow we’re going to have, but I do know win-ter is coming! Your seasons will change too. Remember that if you’re in a season of rest right now, but to those of you in the fire, remember and rejoice. Here’s a stanza from an old song by Michael and Stormie Omartian:

“Whenever Summer dreams start to fade and lose their light, And when the Spring in your heart seems so cold, it can’t be right, And you feel like you’ve lost control, And the valleys seem so low, Well it’s not forever, just a season of the soul.”

Forever is coming, and when it does, it will be the glorious rest He has promised. The seasons will no longer change, at least in that sense. And we will not miss the heat. For now, “… let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.” –Galatians 6:9.

With you in Christ,


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