Living The Gospel Preaching the Gospel

What Can Accomplish When We Maintain a Spirit of Cooperation

Another VBS is in the books! I kid you not, I look forward to VBS more eagerly every year. It is such a joy to see and hear the excitement of the children,  especially during the opening and closing programs, when they are all together in the same room! And to hear them responding with the things they’ve been learning (Jesus rescues!) is a blessing and a half. We had a handful of students make a confession of faith in Christ, and all of them heard the Gospel presented clearly. We had a great turnout for the closing program on the last night as well as the open house, and we saw a lot of new faces, so we had the opportunity to extend hospitality to new families and to make some new connections. Be praying that the seeds that were planted will take root and bear fruit. We do VBS to be a blessing to the community and to minster to the children, but we can certainly pray that families will join us in worship as a result of connections made during
this week.

The other thing I love about VBS – and I know I’ve mentioned this before – is the amazing way such a large percentage of our church comes together to make it happen. This place is buzzing with activity for a month leading up to the week of VBS. Doug Tedrow, Ken Batty, and Steve Welter were here every Friday all day long for many weeks building things for VBS. Pat and Sandy spend many, many days here organizing, making things, painting things, etc. Many of you spent long hours on a couple of Saturdays getting decorations and sets ready. Even more stayed to help with the final setup the Sunday before VBS started. And of course the brilliant Erin Knight had everything firing on eight cylinders in terms of planning the whole thing out. On top of all that, too many people to name here were present every single night of VBS, serving as teachers, guides, security, greeters, station leads, meal servers, meal preparers, A/V techs, and more.

VBS is just a wonderful picture of the body doing what the body is supposed to do; coming together for a common purpose, each part performing its function so the whole thing works together smoothly. I simply cannot thank you enough!

I want to encourage you to think and pray about what we can accomplish as a local body of believers when we maintain that spirit of cooperation and unity. I am convinced God has just begun to use us to reach this community and this world. It is my prayer that He will open our eyes to the specific ways He desires to do that, and to how we can position ourselves to be ready for what’s next. When I see the faces of these children, I am reminded that in the midst of all the blessings we enjoy, we are still in the midst of a battle for the hearts and minds, not only of children, but of multiple generations immersed in a culture that is blinding them to the goodness of God. God is greater than any power that opposes Him, but He works through His people. Let’s make sure we’re ready to let Him work through US!


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