Living The Gospel Preaching the Gospel

What an exciting Summer!

What an exciting Summer! Summer can be a tough season for pastors and churches because vacations and travels and the like can translate to fewer people present on Sundays. But great things have been happening at LWFC, and I want to celebrate that.

Several of our youth attended Summer Scream, and were blessed as usual. We had one young man make a commitment to Christ in church the day he left for camp! Thanks to all who gave to help our kids get there!

We had an outstanding VBS! Attendance was the best in years, and we were privileged to be able to minister to many children from the community who don’t regularly attend LWFC. Over 20 children surrendered their lives to Christ, and we had a great turnout for the last night. It was also a great bonding time for everyone involved, and that is a LOT of people. Special shout out to Sandy Mack for taking the reins on this, and to the kitchen crew for GREAT meals! But thanks to ALL of you who prepared, worked, and gave to make this happen. Things like that only go right when everyone does their share.

We had a family fun night combined with canvassing the community with VBS flyers and that was well-attended and we covered most of the town in a surprisingly short amount of time.

Our Royal Rangers had a leadership training event during the hottest part of the year and survived!

We had outstanding meetings with Neal and Danette Childs from Niger, and we were able to bless them with a HUGE offering!

Four young men from LWFC traveled to Bacalar, Quintana Roo, Mexi-co, to work with James and Beverly Rackley and were a tremendous blessing there. This was not an official LWFC event, but many of you contributed to this trip and they absolutely did represent us on the mis-sion field.

We had a baptism service and baptized eight believers just last week, then enjoyed one of the best church family picnics ever! Great weather, great food, great fellowship. Tons of work made much easier by the many hands performing it.

We have had visitors, new members, and recommitments all through this, the “thin” season as church attendance goes. I’ll be honest; I’ve experienced summers where I’ve felt like I’m just holding on, waiting for fall, and the routine and structure that normally comes with it. This was not a summer like that, thanks to you, my church family. You guys really stepped up, made this summer COUNT, and paved the way for us to finish this year strong!

So you know what? No sermon here this month. No deep spiritual in-sight. Just a big THANK YOU for being the best congregation I know. You are an amazing church family, and I’m so grateful to God for the privilege of being your pastor. With you In Him,

With you in Him,


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