Living The Gospel Preaching the Gospel

Update on Ashley June 4th

Good evening everyone. I know we’ve said it…. but we’ll say it every chance we get… Thank you for your encouragement and support but most of all, thank you for your faith filled prayers.

Ashley made great progress today. We had an excellent PT session and we even moved her over to a high backed chair to finish the session. It took a lot out of her but she did great.

Then, speech therapy worked with her this afternoon and that session went very well also. All good progress, all in good time.

Her vitals have all been good and her sodium levels have been much better as well. We’re nearing the point of moving to inpatient rehabilitation although I’m not sure when. Overall, considering the severity of what happened, she is outshining all expectations. We’re still standing in faith that 100% of Ashley’s motor skills, speech and cognitive ability will be restored. I may not be able to put this healing in my own time frame, but we’re standing on God’s Word. By the Stripes of Jesus [Ashley] is healed (1 Peter 2:24)… healed… past tense, bought and paid for.

We’re now preparing to enter into the hard work of rebuilding what the enemy tried to steal. The first 2-3 weeks we were in a serious fight. The enemy struck hard and we had to stand firm and push back with all that God has given us. Spiritually speaking, it was trench warfare. It seems that intense portion of this battle is behind us and we’re left with the aftermath. That too, God will restore. We’ve seen so many ways that God has had His hand in this… we’re expecting to see more and I believe Ashley will continue to exceed expectations.

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