Living The Gospel Preaching the Gospel

Update on Ashley June 2nd

Good Afternoon, sorry for the long delay in sending an update. Since her surgery on Wednesday morning we’ve had a few very slow days. She slept quite a bit through the rest of the week. Today, for the first time, she’s been very responsive and mouthing words again. PT has continued to come in and work with her and those sessions have gone well. In fact, we had another session this morning and Ashley did great!

Oh… I almost forgot… We’re out of ICU!! We’ve been bumped down to Side B of ICU which is still overseen by the same doctors. This is awesome because it’s more steps in the right direction but we also still have contact with doctors who are familiar with Ashley. We’re still fighting some high sodium issues. All other vitals are looking good. Once her body/mind remembers how to properly regulate her sodium, we’re on our way to inpatient rehabilitation!! We still have a journey ahead of us, I’ve been reminded regularly that this is a marathon and not a sprint. It’s hard because I have such high expectations for what God IS doing in and for Ashley that I need to step back and remember how much He’s already done.

At this time, we respectfully request no visitors. It will be a little while before Ashley is ready. Thank you for understanding.

We’re still waging war but not in a full frontal assault. It’s in the day to day skirmishes where we’re continuing to stand.
I’ve been trying to keep up with our home church messages ( because we love our church family and our pastors. However, we’re not at the point, yet, where we’re live streaming services. So, this morning, Ashley and I watched a live stream service of Elevation Church with pastor Steven Furtick. The message hit so close that I believe God was speaking directly to us. I’ll share the message video when they post it. He was sharing insight into fighting battles.

2 Chronicles 20:17
“But you will not even need to fight. Take your positions; then stand still and watch the Lord’s victory. He is with you, O people of Judah and Jerusalem. Do not be afraid or discouraged. Go out against them tomorrow, for the Lord is with you!”

An unexpected battle was coming to King Jehoshaphat. God told them to take their positions… But He would be with them, He would fight their battle…

This battle in which we’re in the midst of was unexpected, it came against us suddenly. We marked out our battle lines, positions of faith. As we stand still, in those positions of faith, speaking God’s Word and His promises into this battle He goes before us. God is battling on our behalf!! When God battles on your behalf, victory is assured. Our job…. The part we play, is to stand in faith, and trust in HIM!

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