Living The Gospel Preaching the Gospel

Update on Ashley Crider Day 71

Good Morning, our rehab schedule has been crazy so it has been hard to keep up. There is so much to update I’m not sure where to start.

Yesterday we wrapped up day 70…. a lot has happened over the past week. On July 10th, Ashley went to the parallel bars and began to take steps. Over the previous weekend they had her stand at the bars to test stamina and to make sure she could hold her balance and stand. On Tuesday the 10th, she did 5 rounds on the bars. A huge step! They have been working with her on steps ever since and each day they push her more and more. Yesterday, July 16th, they used a standing walker to allow her to walk down the halls and not be limited by the short space of the parallel bars. She had assistance, but she walked roughly 300 fee with a short rest half way. Very exciting!

When we made the move down to rehab, one of our prayer requests was to outshine expectations and to surprise the doctors and therapists. She has certainly done that every day. Praise God!!

So, I’ve been told that I have a tendency to focus on all the positive progress but I will let you know, we still have a ways to go. Ashley is making excellent strides both physically and mentally, however, her mental progress (short term memory, attention, speech therapy) hasn’t been as fast. This isn’t unexpected and is, in fact, pretty normal for someone recovering from brain trauma and subsequent surgery. However, just because something is “normal” or “expected” in a particular situation doesn’t mean that’s the way it has to be. We know she’ll make a full recovery and continue to stand on God’s Word for complete restoration.

He personally carried our sins
    in his body on the cross
so that we can be dead to sin
    and live for what is right.
By his wounds
    you are healed.
1 Peter 2:24

Jesus carried our sins on the cross… we are now dead to sin (and sickness, anger, fear, strife….) and raised to new life with CHRIST! That new life includes new life for our bodies. That salvation encompasses all that we are, body, mind and spirit. God rescued us from destruction through the sacrifice of Christ. I can’t tell you when…. I can’t see the end from the beginning but we serve a God who can and one day, we’ll look back and all of this will be a faded memory. All we’ll have is a powerful testimony of God’s faithfulness, a few pictures from rehab and some emails… 🙂 

Now…. some great news and our next steps in prayer…

We had our weekly meeting with our case manager yesterday and we’re finally able to set discharge goals! Based on the progress she has made and expected progress our tentative discharge date is August 27th!! She needs to cover a lot of ground before then but I believe we’ll keep outdoing expectations in Jesus’ name.

Prayer needs moving forward:

  • Areas of the brain that were damaged to be completely restored and renewed
  • Short term memory to function fully
  • focus and attention to return
  • full rest each night
  • increased stamina, muscle strength and balance

Overall, Ashley remains in good spirits and we see her personality and beautiful smile every day. 

Thank you so much for all the amazing cards and encouraging notes. Most of all, thank you for keeping Ashley and our family in your prayers.

Before we get back to our day, I wanted to share a song that someone sent me. I hope this blesses you.

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