Living The Gospel Preaching the Gospel

Update on Ashley Crider Day 62

Good Morning! Today we start day 62…. we wrapped up our 2nd month this weekend and Ashley is making great progress. We don’t have a discharge date yet, however, we’re getting closer and closer to setting one. 

We’re working on core control and balance so we can move toward standing and stepping. Not sure when that will happen but I’m hoping soon. 

Ashley remains in good spirits and she works hard every day in therapy. One of the big hurdles right now is attention and short term memory. The short term memory issue may be a mixed bag. It would be far better that she remember what she works on from session to session so she can more easily build of of it. However, I think that the lack of short term memory (for now) keeps her from being upset about being in the hospital for days on end. Not sure if that makes sense. Either way, both her attention span and her short term memory will return to normal as her brain heals.

Part of her brain healing is getting good rest…. some nights she’ll get about 5 hours (still not much for her) and other nights it’s less. Part of that is getting her mind to settle down so she can sleep. Part of it is just being at the hospital with doors opening and closing down the hall. The nursing staff has been amazing and we have a nightly plan we’re they don’t come in between 11pm and 6am. That has helped a lot. She’ll certainly rest better when we get home but she still needs good sleep as we walk out her healing during our stay in rehab.

Stand with us in prayer for:

  • full and deep sleep each night
  • reconnections for her brain to convert her immediate memory into short term memory

So… that’s the short of it. We’re looking forward to an amazing week this week!

We so appreciate all of you and your prayers. We’ve received such incredible and encouraging notes over these 2 months and cannot thank you enough. 

Love you!


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