Good Afternoon everyone, just a quick update today…
First, thank you all for your continued faith filled prayers, we appreciate them more than you know. We also want to thank everyone that has blessed us with notes, cards and gifts. We are so blessed to have such amazing people in our lives. We may not be able to send you an individual thank you note… but know that you are loved and appreciated.
Ashley has been doing very well. Each day we make progress and each day seems to get just a little easier. We had a follow-up CTA scan on Monday followed by a meeting with Ashley’s neurosurgeon. He was pleased with what he saw (with one small exception which I’ll mention below) and was very happy with her physical progress. During this meeting he reiterated that this was a MAJOR life event. From his point of expertise, this recovery will be a long one (possibly years). The brain is incredibly complex and will take time to repair. We continue to stand on God’s Word for complete and total restoration of all memory and cognitive function. Our neurosurgeon is amazing as well as brilliant but he can only see the physical (natural) aspect of things. We know that that is only half the story. God is moving on our behalf both in the natural and in the spirit. We have victory in the powerful name of Jesus!
After our appointment the doctor called back and said that the radiologist double checked the scans and noticed a small shadow near the aneurysm clip. The doctor didn’t think it was anything but as a precaution we’re going in for an angiogram on Monday. This is pretty involved and will take most the day. Please stand with us that the images will come out clean and healthy.
As a side note, we’re still having an issue with Ashley’s sodium. Her brain still isn’t regulating it properly even while watching what we eat and pushing water. We’ve added a new medication (believing it to be short term) that will help lower her sodium.
Ashley’s therapy is all going very well and she continues to push the envelope. In fact, our rehab doctor said, and I quote, “she’s doing better than anyone could have expected”. This was a huge thing for her to say because she has a lot of experience with people who have been in similar situations.
On a personal note, we’re getting out and about a bit more since transitioning to outpatient therapy. We had a great Thanksgiving and enjoyed spending time with family. There is so much for which we have to be thankful.

Ok, so maybe not such a quick update… 🙂
Prayer moving forward:
- Good report from the angiogram scan on Monday and for all to go well for Ashley. It will be a long day
- Sodium to return to normal and for her brain to regulate it without medication
- continued physical strength
- Return of short term memory
Thank you so much for your love and support.
Matt, Ashley and Family