Living The Gospel Preaching the Gospel

The Vision of Living Word Family Church

When we began the work of LIVING WORD FAMILY CHURCH, we believe we were called by God to ” . . . raise up a church in this area that will minister to MY down-and-outers. . .” This is the main thrust of what we believe God has called us to do. Over the years, we have come to realize that there are many ways people can be “down-and-out” — spiritually, financially, emotionally, etc. Teaching people the truth of God’s Word, encouraging growth and outreach, and recognizing the worth of every believer are some of the ways we are attempting to minister to God’s hurting (and God’s healthy) people.

Emphasis on teaching the Full counsel of God’s Word has always been a priority for us. We believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God and that is contains all we need to live life that is successful in every area. As Pastors, we believe it is our duty before God to teach His people the truth of His Word and how to apply it so as to live a life that demonstrates His Kingdom and Power on the earth today. We also believe that the Holy Spirit is God Himself, ever-present in the believer’s life, and that we can rely on Him to equip and empower us to do whatever we are called to do.

From the very beginning, we have seen the vital importance of ministering to the entire family, not just the adults. Because of this, we put a high priority on Children’s Ministry. Every area of our children’s department is designed to teach and train. All of our children’s workers are required to be committed to the vision of LIVING WORD and to be faithful in their attendance at regular services as well as teacher training meetings. We supply quality equipment and Bible-based curriculum for all age groups and are continually encouraging our teachers and helpers to recognize that in ministering to the children we are ministering to the entire family.

One way to view our ministry is one of restoration. Remember the incident in the eleventh chapter of John’s gospel: Lazarus, a friend of Jesus, had died. Jesus came and called him forth from the grave (even though he had been dead for four days)! Then Jesus turned to the people who were there and said, “Loose him and let him go!” So it is today. People who were spiritually dead in sin have been given new life by Christ Jesus; we call this being “Born Again”. But, many of these “newly alive” people are still bound up in the grave clothes of their former life. Jesus has said to us, His church, “Loose them and let them go.”

With His Word and Love, and the power of the Holy Spirit, we have purposed to do that at LIVING WORD FAMILY CHURCH.

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