Living The Gospel Preaching the Gospel


Recently, Pastor Larry has been teaching on Wednesday nights about witnessing and soul winning, that it is each believer’s responsibility and calling to share the Gospel message. “Go into all the world and preach the Gospel.” was not a suggestion, but a mandate by Jesus Himself to the church and it still applies today. Expanding the Kingdom of God is the Lord’s number one priority, and this happens when Christians embrace the call to win souls. Each believer has the capacity & ability to share what the Lord has done in and for their lives.


In Luke 4:43, Jesus tells why He came to the Earth, “I must preach the kingdom of God, for therefore am I sent.” He came to share the Good News of God’s way of doing and being right so people could have access to a system that supersedes the World. In Luke 19:10, He says, “For the son of Man is come to seek and save that which was lost.” Jesus came to save the lost which included us. As Christians, we should have a desire to see people get saved and be willing to share the Good News whenever we have the chance. Remember we are NOT responsible to make someone believe, but to plant or water a seed and God is the One who gives the increase. Just think, by your obedience to proclaim the Gospel, it could the catalyst that changes someone’s life forever.

I am eternally grateful for the people who took the time to share Jesus with me. We should all be thankful for those God has used to influence us for the Kingdom. Where would we be right now if others had not allowed themselves to be used by God to speak into our lives? I hate to think where.
Proverbs 11:30: “The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, and He that wins souls is wise.” The Bible says that not only is a soul winner wise, but he also has an eternal reward for capturing lives for the Kingdom. The Amplified Bible says about Proverbs 11:30b: “He who is wise captures human lives (For God, as a Father of Men – He gathers and receives them for eternity.)”

Look at what Daniel 12:3 says, “And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament: and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars forever and ever.” WOW! Think about it, not only can you change someone’s life forever, but you can receive great rewards as well.

Think of the opportunities we have to share the Good News. Everywhere we go there are people who need the Lord. Just think how our church would look if each of us started witnessing and sharing our Faith and invited people to worship with us. In no time, the church would grow and the Kingdom of God would increase. Each of us as Christians have been called to the ministry of reconciliation. Witnessing to people about Jesus is not an option for the Christian who is committed to the Kingdom of God, it is a mandatory assignment. Let us remain alert to opportunities all around us to share the Good News. Let’s do our part and populate the Kingdom of God. It is our time and calling; let’s not miss it!

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