Living The Gospel Preaching the Gospel

Stay the Course

As we move into August, we find ourselves, as a nation, still in the throes of a pandemic. There are certainly other issues: racial tension continues, protests have turned into literal mob rule, and of course there is an up-coming presidential election. But I want to limit this column to looking at the pandemic as an illustration.

When this thing first hit, there were a lot of unknowns. Four months later, there are still a lot of unknowns. The initial shutdown had the intended goal of “flattening the curve”, which, in case you didn’t hear, WORKED. Then the goal was changed, new measures were introduced, and every state had its own plan for reopening, whether in phases or all at once. As people ventured out and restrictions were lifted, we began to feel more and more like this thing was on its way out, and we could get back to normal.
But all along, experts warned of the “second wave”. New cases exploded on the scene in new locations. Threats of another shutdown, insistence on masks, increased testing, etc., all make for a confusing environment in which to make decisions. The purpose of this little article is NOT to make a case one way or another with regard to any of this. I just want to acknowledge one thing: this disease, however dangerous it is or isn’t, is STILL HERE.

There was some pretty bold talk about having a vaccine in 18 months. Now, it seems every day I read something different. One day a report touts promising results from an experimental vaccine or drug. Next day an epidemiologist will say “this disease is always going to be with us.” The cry from many who have a legitimate claim to expertise is “don’t let your guard down.”

In first Peter 5:8, we read, “Be sober, be vigilant, because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.” Many of you, probably all of you, have a testimony of a battle won. Without a battle, there is no victory. But we are warned in scripture that while we have authority over the enemy, the enemy is STILL HERE.

His future has been decided, and our eternal destiny is secure. But we know we cannot let our guard down. We don’t defeat the devil by pretending he doesn’t exist. One day he will be cast forever into the lake of fire; meanwhile we must be vigilant, we must walk out that authority dai-ly, and never slip into despair when challenges arise or battles must be fought.

I am so happy that we are back to assembling regularly. And I know that you are in agreement with me when I say Living Word Family Church is a CoViD-free zone. What I am counting on, as your pastor, is that you continue to be diligent to speak this over yourselves and your homes. Be in a constant attitude of faith; daily claim HIs promises of peace, protection, provision, and healing. This is for your benefit and for the benefit of the church body. Living Word was one of the first church-es in the area to begin assembling after the shutdown, and in one sense, it was risky. Why? Because the reason we stopped meeting in the first place is still out there. So why did we begin meeting again? Be-cause we never shut down out of fear in the first place. We were honoring those in authority, not hiding in fear from a disease.

But the disease, like the enemy of our souls, is out there. Do not walk in fear, but remember we don’t walk in divine healing by pretending sickness and disease do not exist. Stay sober, stay vigilant, and actively CLAIM the victory that God has promised! Not just over CoViD-19, but over all the schemes and fiery darts of the enemy.

I am glad we are able to provide access to our services for those of you who cannot yet join us. But if you CAN join us, please do. There is nothing like being together when it comes to expressing our love for God, our love for the body of Christ, and our faith in all He has promised. Stay the course, Living Word Family!


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