Living The Gospel Preaching the Gospel

Restoration Urban Ministries

Created and developed within the corporate limits of the Champaign-Urbana community, Restoration Urban Ministries has answered God’s call to raise up a local ministry meeting the spiritual and physical needs of the homeless, near homeless, hungry, poor, naked, those that are bound up by drugs, sickness, depression, oppression or hopelessness as well as the hurting and even the financially secure. Their mission is to help those in the midst of problems to maintain love, respect and dignity in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, to provide temporary and permanent solutions for young and old alike, and to teach Godly principles, helping each individual gain a vision and learn how to reach his/her potential for God.


Ervin Williams, founder and directorRestoration Urban Ministry offers food, clothing, transitional housing for the homeless or near homeless, support groups for men, women, families, and those struggling with substance abuse, general living classes, parenting & marriage classes, as well as classes for vocational training skills. They also provide emergency sleeping quarters for those in need and several Bible-based training courses.

Promoting an understanding of God’s love, and an invitation to accept it, continues to be a strong goal for this ministry as they use tangible ways to express it. Ervin Williams, founder and director of Restoration Urban Ministries, continues to bridge the cultural gap as he is committed to helping people from both a Spiritual and physical perspective.


Restoration Urban Ministries
1213 Parkland Ct. ~ P. O. Box 3277
Champaign, IL 61826-3277
(217) 355-2662

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