Living The Gospel Preaching the Gospel

James Rackley Missions

James Rackley Missions is committed to caring for and the development of the world’s greatest natural resource, CHILDREN. Their foundation is established on the Bible which is the written Word of the Living God. Everything they do is dedicated to sharing that Word and reaching children. They teach the Bible as the absolute truth and the infallible Word of God. It is the foundation of their life.

James Rackley Missions’ purpose is to bring the redemptive power of Jesus Christ to the precious children in the regions of northern Canada, southern Mexico and the mountains of Nicaragua.



James Rackley MissionsIn Canada, they fulfill their purpose as they promote after-school programs for children and teens. They mentor and support a fulltime Native pastor on an Indian Reservation. The need is great for more native pastors to be trained. Their desire to to have more literature printed into the native languages.

In Nicaragua they feed 230 children in two villages where they receive weekly Bible training. Their desire is to increase the number of children they are feeding.

In southern Mexico they have a training center where they train pastors, children’s workers and teachers. They provide powerful ministry tools, resources, training and curriculum for the teachers to use for consistent weekly children’s programs. Between 2004 and 2006, their vacation Bible School outreaches impacted over 3500 children and the number continues to grow rapidly. As they train pastors and teachers they are helping them develop their spiritual gifts and callings. When they train and help the pastors, they are building stronger local churches. These leaders are experiencing liberty and spiritual breakthroughs in their personal lives and in their ministries.

The passion of James and Beverly Rackley is to connect real people to the reality of God’s love. They are dedicated to breaking the cycle of victimization and vast darkness in the lives of the children of Canada, Mexico and Nicaragua, which happens when they experience the love of God. Children become adults quickly and the Rackleys desire to help children secure their eternal destiny in the Lord and walk in victory on earth beginning in their early years.

James Rackley Missions
P. O. Box 132659, Tyler, TX 75713
Phone: (903) 526-9400

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