Living The Gospel Preaching the Gospel

International FOCUS Ministries

Harley and Donna Fiddler are the founders and directors of INTERNATIONAL FOCUS MINISTRIES, INC. During the past 51 years of their pastoral, evangelistic and teaching ministry, Harley and Donna have been extensively involved in missionary endeavors. International Focus Ministries was founded in 1984 as a a non-profit missionary organization, designed to serve as a facilitating ministry ‘net-working’ local churches, missionaries, and national ministers abroad.

As a facilitating ministry, part of their work is raising, receipting, and channeling funds to the missionaries and national ministers on various fronts of the world. Support aid is raised for orphanages, Bible schools, Bibles, medical aid, national pastors homes, vehicles, vans, buses, video equipment, computers, student tuition, etc.



International Focus MinistriesBased in the Columbus, Ohio area, International Focus Ministries is involved with ministries in over 35 countries of the world and provides various services for missionaries and local churches. These services include funding for missionaries, national ministers, and mission projects; Missionary Conferences, Schools of Missions, etc. for local churches; Schools of Leadership Training for National Ministers; short-term missions trips and training; basic training for the mission field; accounting; church planting outreaches and overseas crusades.

As an outreach ministry, Harley does extensive traveling each year in various countries in Asia, Africa, Europe, former USSR, Central and South America conducting gospel outreach meetings; training national ministers and gospel workers; planting new churches; teaching in Bible schools, seminaries, leadership seminars and employing various other forms of evangelism and soul winning.

The remainder of the year is devoted to serving local churches and pastors in the USA with annual mission conferences, church services, pulpit supply, evangelistic and healing services, seminars, etc. They also serve pastors with personal counseling and guidance in structuring a Pastoral Financial Support Package (Salary, Retirement, insurance, etc.).

Brother and Sister Fiddler have a variety of ministerial experience in Pastoral, Teaching, Missionary and Evangelistic ministry. They avail themselves as speakers for missionary conferences, evangelistic/revival crusades, and seminars.


International Focus Ministries, Inc.
PO Box 699, Pickerington, OH 43147
Phone: (614) 833-0266 | Fax: (614) 833-0283

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