Living The Gospel Preaching the Gospel

How’s Everything In Your World?

What an absolutely perfect day to write this column! The sun is shining, but it’s barely 60 degrees out. Little bit warm for late October, but it is at last acting like fall is here. Also, it’s the day after pastor appreciation day, and I still have a smile on my face from reading these cards, and I stop working every 10 minutes or so to admire the fantastic knife you gave me! Also, tomorrow is men’s night out, and I’ve got saloon beef cooking in the kitchen, so the church smells great! Also, the Cubs are heading for the World Series! Plus, I was at the house a bit ago, and the kids were done with school already, and when I asked them to do some raking, they agreed without hesitation. In short, “God’s in His heaven, all’s right with the world.”

Except… well, it isn’t. When greeting someone, I often ask, “how’s everything in your world?” I know what I mean, they know what I mean. And that’s what I’m talking about above: my world. All’s right in my world. But of course I don’t really inhabit my own little world, do I? My world is your world. And in a lot of ways, our world is a mess. This isn’t meant to be a rant against an insular worldview or anything like that. There is nothing wrong with having a great day and calling it a great day, even when we know there is misery out there somewhere. I’ll get to that, next. All I’m saying is, since we, as believers, are part of one body, we ought to be aware that other “body parts” may not be having such a great day, the weather and Cubs notwithstanding.

We’ve been talking quite a bit about prayer on Wednesday nights. It is a sad fact that many, many Christians only feel driven to prayer in times of despair, pain, loss, etc. We turn to God out of our hurt, but find it easy to ignore Him in times of ease. But two things should become a part of our rhythm of life when we find ourselves enjoying “our world.” First, a simple “Thank You” to the author of life and maker of days. Second, prayers on behalf of our brothers and sisters whose world is not as easy at the moment. Prayer is the most useful and productive way to share in someone’s misery. Faith-filled prayer is the only biblically guaranteed effective prayer, and faith works through love. When we love like we are supposed to, we will make it our business to know and pray for those who need our prayers.

Meanwhile it does not logically follow that if you are having a bad day, and I love you, then I must have a bad day, too. Don’t let the devil or anyone else EVER make you feel guilty for being happy and enjoying life! Just be aware that seasons change. Since we are in Psalms on Sunday mornings, let me quote from Psalm 1. Of the righteous man, it says in verse 3: “He shall be like a tree/Planted by rivers of water,/That brings forth its fruit in its season,/Whose leaf also shall not wither;/And whatever he does shall prosper.”

You just might be in a season (like Job was!) that is not particularly fruitful. But where are you planted? How deep are your roots? Stand firm in your faith and rejoice that seasons change! Circumstances of all kinds change, but God never does, and His love never fails. Even if the Cubs lose.


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