Living The Gospel Preaching the Gospel

Cameneti Ministries

Both graduates of RHEMA Bible Training Center, Patsy was also an instructor at RHEMA for 16 years and co-ordinated the Prayer and Healing School while Tony traveled with the well-known RHEMA Singers and Band, serving as their manager for several years. After ministering in churches, campmeetings, retreats, etc., and on occasional short-term overseas trips for a few years, Tony & Patsy were called to Palermo, Sicily in 1993 to oversee a Domato Bible School. Their responsibilities not only included instructing the students but taking care of the administrative aspects of the school as well. During the time they were with the Damato School, they traveled throughout the world ministering in churches and seminars to help both ministers and lay people be more effective for the Kingdom of God.



Tony and Patsy CamenetiThe Camenetis resigned from the staff at Domato Bible School in the fall of 1999 to travel much more extensively throughout Italy and Europe as well as in the United States with an emphasis on prayer, healing and faith. Tony and Patsy also served as the European Directors for RHEMA Ministerial Association International, helping to network and minister to those who desire that relationship.

Rev. Tony and Patsy oversaw RHEMA Bible Training Center Singapore for four years and were the Asian Directors of RHEMA Ministerial Association International.

Currently, the Camenetis base their ministry in Brisbane Australia where they reside with their two daughters, Liliana and Annalisa.

Their deep desire is to go with the message of Jesus’ powerful and comprehensive redeeming work, and it has taken them to minister in over 30 countries. Living and minstering in places of diverse religions, cultures and church backgrounds has given them an acute awareness that is only an authentic, unedited Christianity that transcends time and is relevant to every culture and station of life.

Tony and Patsy feel called and compelled to train believers for a fruitful life that glorifies God. Their message that emphasizes healing, prayer, and a practical and real walk with God is both simple and doable.


P. O. Box 35337, Canton, OH 44735
Phone: (330) 493-9657 | Fax: (330) 492-1190

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