What’s Wrong with the World Today? “I am”

Although there is no actual documentary evidence of this, it is widely reported that The Times (of London) once posed the question, “What’s Wrong With the World Today?” G.K. Chesterton, famous thinker and author, responded with a letter to the editor which read: Dear Sirs, I am. Sincerely Yours, G.K. Chesterton. I love that response […]

Practice What You Believe

By the time you read this, we will have completed our three week fast to kick off what we have called “a year of giving.” It is my prayer that this was a time of growth for you, for your family, and for our church. I want to take a moment to thank you for […]

And Here We Go Again

And here we go again! A new year! 2018, they are calling it. When I was a kid, there was a TV show called “Space:1999”. I don’t think I ever actually watched it, but I remember the title and what I remember about it is that in 1977, 1999 seemed like an unimaginably dis-tant future. […]

Warning: Multiple song lyrics ahead

I guess I need to stop being amazed at how quickly the years are spinning by, but it’s hard to believe it’s almost Christmas already. Years ago, my dad said some-thing like, “when I was a kid, Christmas seemed to come only once every four years; now it comes four times a year.” Joni Mitchell […]

Put on the Full Armor of God

One of the things I ask my son almost every night before he goes to bed is “do you know what you’re wearing tomorrow?” Riley is not a morning person like his old man, and we have found that anything we can do the night before to make the next morning a little smoother is […]