Can We Experience Heaven on Earth?

Living Word Family, there is SO much on my mind that I could write a book to you right now. Trying to make sense of this whole coronavirus/CoViD19 mess is literally a full time job for many people, but many of us feel like we have to make sense of it in our free time. […]

The Promises of God are Yes and Amen… no matter what

I watched a movie some time ago where one character was negotiating with another. Just when they appeared to reach an agreement, one of them withdrew his offer, saying, “We live in a different world than we did ten seconds ago.” That’s kind of what it feels like to be writing this column for the […]

Faith Speaks

I am writing this month’s column a little early because of deadline issues. I always feel a little funny saying (in this case) something like, “Wow! March already!” when it’s barely past the middle of February. Plus, Jesus could come before the end of the month, and think what else I could be doing with […]

Enjoy Life But Never Lose Sight of the Truth

As I write this, there are four days left on our year-beginning fast for 2020. It has been a good fast. Fasting will sharpen us and make us more attentive to the important things in our lives. The side effects are good, too. Lose a little weight, maybe feel “cleaner,” discover a new level of […]

Hindsight is 20/20

2020. As I mentioned in this space last month, it amazes me to think how quickly time seems to have passed. When I was a kid, there was a TV show called “Space: 1999”. Think of “2001: A Space Odyssey”, or even “1984”. All of these were visions of the future, with the very dates […]