An Attitude of Gratitude

“If the only prayer you pray in your whole life is ‘Thank You’, that would suffice.” (Miester Eckhart) Do you have an attitude of gratitude? If we stop to think more, we would stop to thank more, and realize we all have much to be thankful for. November always begins a special season of holidays […]

Special Note from Pastor

At this moment, my heart is overflowing with thankfulness to our God for the abundant blessings that He has bestowed on Pam and me. We are so grateful to our Church family and to our friends out-side of the church who made our retire-ment dinner such a success. A special thanks to Sandy Mack who […]

Walking Alongside Fellow Believers

As believers, we are called to walk along side our brothers and sisters in Christ and motivate them to acts of love and good works (Hebrews 10:24). I’ve noticed something over the years, and it’s not just something I’ve noticed at church, but people are social creatures of habit. We develop a “comfort zone” of […]

We’re In This Thing Together

As I write this, less than 48 hours remain before I board a plane, heading for Mexico. LWFC is going to Bacalar to work alongside James and Beverly Rackley, our missionaries at the Oasis Center. As I mentioned from the pulpit, this is an all-church endeavor. The traveling contingent consists of 10 people, but this really […]


Recently, Pastor Larry has been teaching on Wednesday nights about witnessing and soul winning, that it is each believer’s responsibility and calling to share the Gospel message. “Go into all the world and preach the Gospel.” was not a suggestion, but a mandate by Jesus Himself to the church and it still applies today. Expanding […]