Because I live you shall live also

That is one of my favorite car-toons of all time. JUST in case you missed it, the implication is that the pastor is not preaching the same sermon every Sunday, but that the man needling him only comes on Easter. And no, the thrust of this article is not to berate anyone for not coming […]

Good News Doesn’t Sell Newspapers

Look at your newspaper. Or open your web browser. Turn on the TV or radio. What do you see, read, and hear? Is it good news or bad? The old adage “good news doesn’t sell newspa-pers” notwithstanding, there really is plenty of actual bad news out there. Terrorists, Muslim extremists, economic meltdowns, natural disasters, and […]

A Process of a Series of Events

I was thinking about this the other day and decided to share it with you. I wrote it some years ago, but I find it appropriate for us today, just having come off the fast. I trust you will be encouraged by it as you are reminded that we are still praying for some things, […]

A Brand New Year!

A brand new year! 2015, they are calling it. When we think about it, we realize that strictly speaking, it’s just another day. It’s not like the earth stops at midnight on the night of December 31st, resets, recalibrates, or recharges itself; it just keeps on moving around the sun. But it’s good to keep […]

Christmas Anticipation

As I write this, it is still November. Al-ready it has snowed a few times, and some of that snow has even stuck, if only for a day or so. Most of you know that I am a big fan of winter in general, and of snow in particular, so seeing snow this early in […]