The Resurrection of Jesus Removes The Excuse for Unbelief

I have a longtime friend, a fellow minister, who has worked most of his career in large churches, first as a volunteer youth leader, then a youth pastor, then an associate, then senior pastor. Our friendship goes beyond shop talk, but he has always been a great resource and sounding board. One of the things […]

Making Christ Known To People

I have a friend who used to participate in a wilderness activity called “force hiking”. At least I think that’s what he called it. It was a backpacking expedition over rugged terrain, with minimum shelter, meant to test the physical limits of the hiker. Many years ago, we were catching up after not having seen […]

The Power of Their Testimony

As we wrap up our three week fast for 2021, I want to take this opportunity to, first of all, thank you for participating in it. There is power in agreement, and as we commit to fast and pray as a local body of believers, that power is manifested in our midst. I know Living […]

The devil had his way for long enough, now it’s our turn

I saw a really funny commercial yesterday for an online dating app. I don’t know much about dating apps, because Beth and I married when the internet was still in its infancy. But I know enough about it to know that you basically build a profile of yourself, along with some parameters concerning the kind […]

Who Knows What This World Will Look Like By Christmas?

Sometimes, before I write this column, I go into the archives to see what I was writing about a year ago. Sometimes I’m looking for ideas; most of the time I’m trying to avoid repeating myself overmuch. I scrolled through a couple of columns from around this time last year and found this from the […]