Update on Ashley June 6th

Good Afternoon, we’re making good progress each day. Each day the physical therapy team works with her (about 20 minutes/day) they comment on how well she’s doing. As you can imagine she isn’t getting a real, full night’s rest each night which takes its toll. We’ve been letting her take cat naps throughout the day […]

Update on Ashley June 4th

Good evening everyone. I know we’ve said it…. but we’ll say it every chance we get… Thank you for your encouragement and support but most of all, thank you for your faith filled prayers. Ashley made great progress today. We had an excellent PT session and we even moved her over to a high backed […]

Update on Ashley June 2nd

Good Afternoon, sorry for the long delay in sending an update. Since her surgery on Wednesday morning we’ve had a few very slow days. She slept quite a bit through the rest of the week. Today, for the first time, she’s been very responsive and mouthing words again. PT has continued to come in and […]

Ashley Crider May 29th p2

Good evening! Surgery went very well today. The surgeon replaced the skull portion and everything went very smoothly. They ended up putting in the internal shunt but that also went very well. The EVD (ventricle drain) was also removed which means we’re very close to being “bumped down” out of the Critical Care Unit. Once […]

Ashley Crider May 29th p1

Good Morning, yesterday was a great day. Ashley stayed awake throughout the day and had a great speech and physical therapy session. TODAYAshley is headed for surgery at 7:30am to replace the skull piece removed during the original surgery. This is almost 3 weeks sooner than the estimate we received. There is a possibility that […]