Finding Rest in Uncertainty

Here’s something new. I’m writing my article for the July newsletter on the last day of June. Normally, due to deadline issues, I aim to have this submitted at least a week before publication. Should have this time, too, but things have been a little crazy at the office. But I was looking at some […]

Update on Ashley Crider Day 212

Good Afternoon everyone, just a quick update today… First, thank you all for your continued faith filled prayers, we appreciate them more than you know. We also want to thank everyone that has blessed us with notes, cards and gifts. We are so blessed to have such amazing people in our lives. We may not […]

Update on Ashley Day 188

Good Afternoon! Today marks the 188th day since Ashley went into the ER (May 7th). That day was the most trying day followed by the most trying weeks of our lives. And through it all… God has remained steady and faithful. He has met our needs physically, mentally and emotionally through this trial. We’re so […]

Ashley Crider Update Day 164

Today marks the 164th day since Ashley collapsed at the office. We’re also coming up on the 6th month mark. Although the most intense portion of this trial has passed, the ICU, the surgeries, IV’s, machines and daily inpatient rehab…. we still find ourselves battling in faith. God continues to give us strength and grace […]

Ashley Crider Update Day 133

Today we’re wrapping up day 133 of our faith and healing journey. It’s crazy to think that we’ve been home from the hospital for 3 WEEKS already!! First an foremost, as always, thank you so much for your prayers and support! Also, a huge THANK YOU to our Living Word church family for bringing meals […]