Living The Gospel Preaching the Gospel

Asia Center for Biblical Studies

Asia Center For Biblical StudiesThe Asia Center for Biblical Studies, Philippines, opened in June, 1995, as the fulfillment of a promise given by God in 1989 to Pastor Ver Jacinto that he would have a Bible school within 5 years. As Pastor Ver and Linda (Blackford) Jacinto began seeking the Lord and a place for the school, a Christian foundation which owned the land where the ACBS is now located approached Pastor Ver. At that time, he was pastoring a church on the same site. The foundation shared with Pastor Ver that they had been praying for 20 years for a Bible school to be on their land and if Pastor Ver would build it, they would donate the land. God had fulfilled His promise.



The Jacintos (clockwise) Ver, Jonathan, Linda, AndreaThere were 2 old buildings and land which needed clearing, neighbors who threatened to kill them and communist rebels who wanted money from them. But by prayer, faith in God and hard work, the land was transformed into a Bible school campus. The ACBS campus includes a church, covered basketball court, a student canteen/supply store, dining hall, offices, 5 dormitories, 3 classrooms, 5 guest rooms, a computer laboratory, student kitchen, 2 fish ponds and a large building in which to raise pigs. Not only do the pigs provide a source of additional income for the school, but ACBS produces bio-gas from the pig waste to use for fuel in the student kitchen and also donates pigs to other ministries.

The purpose of the Asia Center For Biblical Studies is to train men and women for the work of the ministry in order that the body of Christ may be built up and the whole body become matured. ACBS seeks to help the local church by training and preparing workers who will return to their home churches and help in fulfilling the Great Commission of Jesus. They desire to develop students who are strong spiritually and have a solid Biblical foundation upon which to build a ministry. They want their students to know Him, love Him and have a desire to serve Him with their whole heart. As of November, 2007, the Asia Center for Biblical Studies has 57 students, 6 staff members and 8 faculty and supports new church planting ministries. They were preparing to plant 2 more churches in November, 2007 as well.


Asia Center for Biblical Studies
Stateside Address:
Pastor Ver & Linda Jacinto
Urbana Assembly of God
2502 S. Race, Urbana, IL 61801

website: ACBS Facebook Page

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