Living The Gospel Preaching the Gospel

Ashley Crider Update June 29th 2019

Good afternoon, sorry for the long delay in sending out an update. Our rehab schedule has been pretty hectic. By the time we get done for the day, it’s time for me to head home to change and spend time with the kids. 🙂

Ashley is doing great! She’s making excellent progress and continues to surpass expectations. Her Occupational Therapist said that she was already hitting goals they had set for next week. She’s pushing them to set new goals for her now. 🙂

Last week I mentioned that Ashley was headed for a swallow test to see if she could tolerate food and water by mouth. She had already had a few successful tests with yogurt given by the speech therapist. The swallow x-ray was more of an official check of how well she was doing. She passed with flying colors and she’s been eating regular meals, with no restrictions, ever since! 

Through mutual friends we have been introduced to another couple, Mike & Robin, who are going through a similar situation. They are just 2 doors down from us at Carle. Robin had a burst aneurysm just like Ashley but a couple weeks before. She’s also making great progress and it was such an encouragement to meet them and talk to them.

We’re currently on day 53 of this trial…. and God is STILL good! We don’t get to pick the trials we face. Given an option…. we wouldn’t not have picked this. At the very least I would have rather it happened to me but…. here we are. We know God is working in us through this. We also know that…

“And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.”
Romans 8:28 

As her brain heals, all of this is getting better.
Meanwhile, we’re standing in faith for…
  • Strengthened muscles
  • Longer attention span
  • Better short term memory 

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