Living The Gospel Preaching the Gospel

Ashley Crider Update Day 164

Today marks the 164th day since Ashley collapsed at the office. We’re also coming up on the 6th month mark. Although the most intense portion of this trial has passed, the ICU, the surgeries, IV’s, machines and daily inpatient rehab…. we still find ourselves battling in faith. God continues to give us strength and grace as we walk out Ashley’s complete healing. Our transition home was a bit rougher than I would have ever anticipated. However, after almost 2 months, thanks to amazing family and friends, we’ve gotten into a good routine and things have been more manageable.  

Ashley continues to show steady progress both physically and mentally each day. Her therapy team has been wonderful and they are always pleased with how well she does. We’ve had some bumps along the way however God continues to shine and lifts us up and pushes us through.

Gina, Ashley’s primary speech therapist (in Ashley’s case, they deal with cognitive ability more than speech) says that Ashley is “an enigma wrapped in a riddle.” She was referring to how phenomenally well Ashley is doing in her cognitive ability. Worksheets that used to take her some time are now easy. A word search that would take her over an hour to work through 2 months ago, she can now finish in no time at all. As long as she’s not overly tired she reads and writes as well as she ever did. As far as her cognitive recovery, we’re awaiting her brain to organize long term memories and recover the ability to recall short term memory. Her immediate memory continues to expand which is why she can remember instructions and get’s better and better in all her therapies.

The video below is from a few weeks ago. God continues to amaze us through her amazing progress.

Outside of memory and focus, one of the things we find ourself dealing with is fear and anxiety.  I believe, as Ashley was dealing with some of the physical aches and pains, a fear of falling or more pain has entered into her mind.  This especially rears it’s head when we go up or down stairs. It’s getting better but we’ve really had to stand against that fear in faith. 

For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.
2 Timothy 1:7

We continue to confess God’s healing and provision over Ashley’s mind and body. We know that God’s Word says we’re healed through Jesus and He is faithful to His Word.

Thank you to all who have continued to stand in faithful fervent prayer with us. We are so blessed to have such amazing support.

Moving forward, please stand in prayer with us for:

  • The aches and pains in Ashley’s joints and muscles to be gone
  • No fear or anxiety and more confidence in her physical activity (stairs, standing/sitting, etc…)
  • Good rest
  • Restoration of short term memory

Thank you!!

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