Living The Gospel Preaching the Gospel

Ashley Crider Update Day 133

Today we’re wrapping up day 133 of our faith and healing journey. It’s crazy to think that we’ve been home from the hospital for 3 WEEKS already!! First an foremost, as always, thank you so much for your prayers and support! Also, a huge THANK YOU to our Living Word church family for bringing meals and gifts. You’ll never fully understand what a blessing you are.

I apologize for not getting an update out sooner. Our transition back home has been more challenging that I had anticipated. Bringing Ashley home from the hospital was an incredible blessing, and it’s been amazing having her home and being with the kids again. However, I had myself believing that a few good night’s sleep and being home would be some type of magic pill. It was not… even being in our own bed hasn’t leant itself to consistent sleep quite yet, although it’s better than it was at the hospital. 

Ashley continues to do remarkably well despite the roadblocks the enemy has thrown in our way. About 4 weeks ago (as mentioned in our previous post) we found a large blood clot in Ashley’s leg. This lead to 2 small clots in her lungs. We’ve been on a good treatment plan and her legs and feet are looking much better. Over the past few weeks she has dealt with swelling and leg/foot pain off and on. There was a point where her progress was at a standstill due to the pain. We sought advice from our primary doctor and worked on ways to elevate her feet to keep swelling down. The past week has been so much better…. The pain, although still present, has decreased tremendously. She is back to making excellent progress in all her home therapies. We’ve also started getting Ashley back into church on Sundays and Wednesdays which has been amazing. We know, without a shadow of a doubt, that healing belongs to Ashley. She’s a daughter of the King of Kings and Jesus has already paid the price and provided for her healing. We continue to keep up on our faith confessions and keep God at the center of this battle. 

A couple of weeks ago, during a trying day at home, I was washing up some dishes. In the window sill sat a rock with a scripture.  

we will reap a harvest of blessing if we do not give up

… At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up.
Galatians 6:9

In that moment, as I’m trying to look for the positive and hang on to faith and hope, God sends a message. I mean, I’m sure I’ve seen that rock before but I’ve never seen it LIKE THAT. We’re in a battle… we’re certainly not the only ones who have gone through this type of battle but for us, it’s a huge battle. However, our “harvest of blessing [healing, strength, provision…] is right around the corner. Our job is to continue to stand in faith on God’s incorruptible Word. The Bible says that God’s Word does not return to Him void but it accomplishes exactly what He sends it to do (Isaiah 55:11).

God has promised healing in His Word. So… that’s what we expect and we know it will come to pass. In fact, it already has, we’re just waiting for her body to get the message.

Prayer focus: 

  • Consistent good sleep
  • Pain free (and swelling free) legs and feet
  • All blood clots to be dissolved and gone 
  • Continued cognitive progress (memory & attention)
  • For the Family: strength and perseverance as we help Ashley in her daily activities 

I was recently listening to a great message series by Kieth Moore. I wanted to share it with you. 🙂

God’s Incorruptible Word Seed – Keith Moore

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