Living The Gospel Preaching the Gospel

Ashley Crider Update Day 111

Today is the day! Today is discharge day. As I write this we’re wrapping up our last breakfast here at the hospital. It has been a very busy couple of weeks. We’ve had home evaluations, school/sports starting for the kids, and a work day at the house to begin getting ready to return home. During this time we also discovered a rather large blood clot in Ashley’s right leg and two small clots in her lungs. Thankfully those clots weren’t a setback, although it did slow down her physical therapy for a few days. The development of those clots was, simply put, an attack from the enemy. We continue to stand in absolutely faith that Ashley will make a full recovery no matter what the enemy throws our way. She is currently on a treatment plan to dissolve those clots.

From the very beginning you all have stood with us in faith and given encouragement and help beyond anything we could have imagined. We are so blessed to have such an incredible church family standing with us. 

Going home will be amazing. Ashley will undoubtedly get better sleep which will help her brain to heal. In addition, it will be so much easier for us to juggle our day to day school and sports schedule with Ashley at home. We still have a lot of work to do, in fact, more than I had anticipated as we started the rehab process. Much of that is due to the mental healing that still needs to take place (i.e. short term memory, initiation, etc…). But irregardless, healing belongs to Ashley because of the finished work of Christ. It’s already done, paid for… complete. (1 Peter 2:24)

As we make our transition home, it may be a week or two for Ashley (and our family) to adjust. That will be one of our big prayer requests (see below), for a smooth transition as we walk out Ashley’s continued healing.

I’ll continue to post updates from time to time regarding home therapy and big praise reports. In the meantime, on behalf of Ashley, our children, our family and myself…. Thank you. This trial has shown us that we have a support system that is second to none. God has given us His promises and He is faithful to His Word. He also brings amazing people into our lives to bring strength, encouragement and help. We are so incredibly blessed to have all of you in our lives.

Prayer Focus moving forward:

  • Smooth transition home (schedule, kids, rest, etc…)
  • FULL night’s sleep each night
  • Blood clots to completely dissolve and pose not further threat
  • full completion of healing for Ashley’s brain and strength for her body

Thank you all again…. for your love and support.

Matt, Ashley, Abigail, Logan, Grayson,
& Whole Family


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