Living The Gospel Preaching the Gospel

Ashley Crider May 29th p1

Good Morning, yesterday was a great day. Ashley stayed awake throughout the day and had a great speech and physical therapy session.

Ashley is headed for surgery at 7:30am to replace the skull piece removed during the original surgery. This is almost 3 weeks sooner than the estimate we received. There is a possibility that she will need an internal shunt put in. However, her fluid and pressure levels have been looking great over the last few days so we’re believing that she won’t need one.

Stand with us in prayer:
– for the surgery to go flawlessly
– Wisdom and clear eyes for the doctors and nurses performing the surgery
– proper fluid levels and pressure around the brain so no shunt will be needed
– Also, after the skull heals, that there would be no increased fluid retention or pressure on the brain as a result of the trauma

Thank you so much for standing in faith with us!
I’ll keep you posted on how the surgery goes.

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