Good Morning, just a quick update for today.
As you read from the other day, Ashley had a great PT session on Saturday. Then, Sunday, she slept ALL DAY! We tried our best to keep her on her new PT schedule but she wasn’t having it. So, she took her day of rest very seriously. She then slept about half the night and we were back at it Monday morning. Other than a couple of rest naps, she was awake and alert most the day on Monday. In the afternoon she went down for a CT scan (still awaiting results from the doctor) and she also had another session of physical therapy which went very well. All he vitals are strong and he body is regulating her temperature far better than a few days ago.
Then, last night, she slept ALL NIGHT!
I’ll try to post another update later today.
In the meantime… Thank you all for your faith filled prayers.
Hebrews 11:1 says
“Faith shows the reality of what we hope for; it is the evidence of things we cannot see”
When I speak about the days and months ahead I always speak of Ashley at home going about life just as before. I talk about our plans for the summer and our little anniversary get away in September. Why?? Because our hope is in the finished work of Christ. Jesus not only died for the salvation of our souls but His body was broken for our HEALING. When you pray for Ashley (or anyone in your life that needs a healing touch from God) don’t pray “God, if it’s your will please heal…” As far as God is concerned, it has already been done! It is a reality. Our faith “shows the reality” of that promise. We walk by faith and not by sight…. In the natural, this is a terrible situation. But God has already taken care of it. We’re just walking out the REALITY of the healing that has already been bought and paid for.