Living The Gospel Preaching the Gospel

An Exciting Year On The Horizon!

As I write to you this month, I truly have an excitement and anticipation in my heart that hasn’t been there for some time. I think good things are on the horizon for Living Word. I think this will be a year for spiritual growth and natural growth.

As most of you know, my son Scott has come back on staff with us as an associate pastor after serving six years as senior pastor at Victory Christian Center in Farmer City. Scott will spend this year re-acclimating himself to Living Word and getting to know the members of our congregation. Scott will also be sharing the pulpit with me. In my probably-biased opinion, Scott is an outstanding minister of the Word and I believe you will be blessed & well fed.

 We have a very full calendar this year as we have added many new things to the usual activities. Leading Ladies, Men’s Night Out and Small Groups will continue as usual. We will also continue our All-Church Family Dinners, Family Fun Nights, the All-Church Picnic, Fish Fry & Wiener Roast. Be preparing a song, skit, etc. for LIVING WORD LIVE! in September. It will be bigger and better than last year as we will have more time to prepare.

In addition to these things, we will have an All-Church Bowling Night, a Ladies Shopping Trip to Chicago by train, and a few Saturdays they marked as Ladies’ Fun Days at the church.

We will have the Easter Breakfast again and also a Christmas Eve service this year, and we will reinstate a short worship Service at the end of the New Year’s Eve Celebration which will include ringing in the New Year with communion.

As you can see we are ramping things up around here and there are still a couple things in the works that have not been finalized.  And of course we are sending a 10 member delegation representing Living Word to help the Rackleys with VBS in the jungles of Southern Mexico.

I want to encourage each of you to invite someone to attend church with you or bring a friend to Leading Ladies, Men’s Nite Out, Small Groups or one of our other activities.

I also want to encourage you to make a commitment to God that you will be faithful in your church attendance (it’s not the same when everyone’s not here) and come to a Saturday Morning Men’s Prayer Meeting or Monday’s evening Prayer Meeting occasionally. I believe if we will do our part to grow, God will do His. This is my last year as Senior Pastor and I want to leave with all arrows pointing up. I’m excited . . . how about you?

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