Living The Gospel Preaching the Gospel

And Now Back to the “Grind”

It’s a new year! I’m writing this in December, and nothing official has come across my desk yet, but word is they will call it 2016. And with New Year’s Eve and New Year’s day, we wrap up the “holiday season.” Reminds me of a joke: a man dies and finds himself in hell. He is told he will be allowed to choose his eternal punishment and is shown three rooms. The first two contained scenes too horrible to describe, with vari-ous displays of fire, chains, and sharp things. The third room contained several people, seated, up to their waist in manure. The guy quickly de-cides that while this is not pleasant, it surely beats the other two rooms and opts for this one. He no sooner settles into the stinking pool than a demon enters and shouts, “break’s over; heads under!”

Holidays are over, now back to the “grind” is how many may feel. On the other hand, many welcome a return to more of a normal season, free of the stress of preparation, juggling schedules around programs, events, and family get-togethers. Personally, I experience a little of both. The thing is, though, that here we are, ready or not.

And once again we will start the new year with a three week fast. This is not mandatory of course, but I do want to encourage you to join us in this. Unless you are in the habit of fasting for longish periods of time, I don’t recommend a total fast (water only). Instead, consider forgoing a category of food (meat, sweets, etc.) or a particular meal each day. If, for medical reasons, you cannot adjust your diet, perhaps you could “fast” television, the internet, or some other daily activity you enjoy.

We’ll be talking about what fasting is on Sundays during the fast, but my favorite simple definition is this: laying aside something natural in pursuit of something supernatural. Also, like last year, we’ll be assign-ing a theme to the fast. We’re calling 2016 “a year of others.” In-trigued? Confused? Trust me, this will bless you. We will start the fast on Sunday, January 3rd, and break it together with a family meal on Sunday, January 24th.

The new year is also a time for resolutions. Of course there’s nothing in scripture about making a list of resolutions for the new year, but I do like the concept of a reset or starting over. Let God speak to you about any changes He wants to work in you. But let’s all resolve to be committed to one another in the body and do what He has called us to do as a church. It’s going to be a great year; I’m looking forward to living it with you!



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